Kings College Hospital showed us the site for their exciting new rooftop garden project
We had the pleasure of meeting Transition Programme Manager Katy Child and Intensive care consultant Tom Best of Kings College Hospital, to take a look around their top-of-the-range new build ITU building, complete with its very own helipad and rooftop garden
Katy and Tom have planned their project very much with patient experience in mind, and it shows. Their new build high-tech ITU ward has state-of-the-art assessment and monitoring equipment, the latest technology, and, importantly, stunning views over beautiful Ruskin park.
Katy and Tom have had a strong hand in the interior design of the ward too, to ensure it provides the best possible environment for patients to recover and also benefitting staff and patients’ relatives, who often spend hours and days and even weeks by their bedsides. As there is no outside space, they are now turning their attention to creating a rooftop garden, accessible via a central lift, allowing patients, even those on life support, to spend some time outdoors, with panoramic views across London and a garden room so they can “hear the rain” and spend time there whatever the weather.
Harefield’s own ITU matron, Sue Mather, recently took the time to show us the new ITU ward at Harefield. What a change since we spent time there at the bedside. Large windows allow patients to have a view of nature, and we have spoken with patient relatives who have told us of the dramatic effect of the outside sun therapy area. Sue describes the planned Healing Garden as “a continuation of a patients’ journey”. Beginning in ITU, with its sun therapy area, then on to Rowan Ward where matron Helen Doyle is spearheading the forthcoming transplant Courtyard garden, which will allow recovering patients greater access to a safe area outdoors, and finally to the Healing Garden.
The Kings College Hospital ITU Garden is still in its design stage, but it is great to see the same ethos that we at the Harefield Healing Garden hold so dear to our hearts, being brought to other hospitals throughout the UK and beyond.