Harefield Healing Garden Burns Night Ceilidh 2020
Drams were raised, sporrans were polished, lassies toasted, dosies do’ed, willows stripped, and homage paid to Rabbie Burns at our 2020 Burns Night Ceilidh.
On Saturday 25th January the Beacon school in Amersham kindly allowed us the use of their beautiful Grade 2 listed barn and dining hall to hold a Burns Night Ceilidh. Guests were greeted by our talented young piper, Robbie, who, at only 12 years of age, offered to pipe for us and was very well received by our guests. We had an amazing band, Craigievar and their caller, who had everyone dancing and reeling the night away. It was a great event and raised just under £3,000 towards the Healing Garden.
Special thanks to those who donated their services to help make this event happen: The Beacon School for loaning us their beautiful facilities and to The Greyhound Beaconsfield for donating a top prize of a lunch for two at their newly opened restaurant https://greyhoundbeaconsfield.co.uk
A huge thank you to everyone who who came and supported us in making this such a fun event!