New Year Healing Garden update

New Year Healing Garden update

New Year Healing Garden update Trees and hedges have been planted, top soil and organic matter has been incorporated into flower beds, paths have been prepped ready for the bonded resin, the seating areas are being paved and the large central raised flowerbed has been...
The Healing Garden is starting to take shape

The Healing Garden is starting to take shape

The Healing Garden is starting to take shape We have just completed week three of the garden build, with Bowles and Wyer preparing the ground for the pathways and planting areas. This coming week will see nineteen new trees, specifally chosen for their colour, scent...
We are all set to break ground this October…

We are all set to break ground this October…

We are all set to break ground this October… We are thrilled to be finally breaking ground this month. Hard hats, Hi-Vis jackets and Herras fencing will officially be ON SITE on Monday 26th October to commence the first phase of the garden build – the hard...
Plant Appeal

Plant Appeal

Please help us fill the Healing Garden with beautiful, sensory planting for all to enjoy.  We would love your help in filling the Healing Garden with beautiful, sensory plants and flowers for patients, visitors, and staff to enjoy! Every £10 donation buys a 2-litre...


EXCITING NEWS!! We are thrilled to announce that following  years of research, designing, planning and fundraising, we are now in a position to start the Healing Garden build. What better time to reward the patients, their visitors and the NHS staff, who have been...