Gerry Adams tribute

Gerry Adams tribute

Gerry Adams tributes have raised £570  “Gerry loved his garden. Each year him and Maureen would create a colourful spectacular masterpiece in their back garden. By donating to this project at Harefield Hospital shows thanks to the wonderful staff who cared for him...
Chenies Manor Botanical Art Exhibition

Chenies Manor Botanical Art Exhibition

Chenies Manor Botanical Art Exhibition   Plants that Heal for the Healing Garden:  In 2017 we held an exhibition of botanical art at Chenies Manor, courtesy of the owners, Boo and Charles Macleod Matthews.  The theme was “Plants that Heal,” and...
2017 Garden news – Initial concept plan

2017 Garden news – Initial concept plan

In 2017 Rosie met with Garden Deisigner Nicki Jackson, to draw an initial concept plan for the Healing Garden. Armed with this plan Rosie presented her idea to the directors of Harefield and the RBH Charity agreed to support a proportion of the fundraising needed to...
The Waterman family Swimathon

The Waterman family Swimathon

Natalie Waterman, her family and their friends raised £13,000 by a swimathon in memory of her husband, a former patient at Harefield. “My husband would have loved this plan for a beautiful garden to ensure that all generations can come together in a peaceful...